Saturday, June 12, 2010

Epilogue OAN

The nice thing about the Foundation, even though I work a ton of hours, I can do most of my work from home and when the kids were napping and now while the older ones are at school. I have always felt like a pretty good mom. Jasper is the greatest dad, but I always knew he would be. He is still teaching, and became Department Chair last year and had yet another book published, this time on the History of Abuse in America. It was a great year for us.

Our youngest was born, Stephanie, she completes the motley crew started with Harrison, 8, and followed two years later by Charlie, 6, and then two years after that by little Jasper, 4, and back to back with Peter, 3. I don't think I even stopped nursing little Jasper when I found about the next one. When we learned it was another boy, we just had to name him Peter James, or PJ for short. The boys were all so happy when they found out it this one was a girl. I finally looked at Jasper one day, as she slept in my arms after nursing, and said, "I think things are perfect just the way they are." He smiled, and said, "They have been perfect for the past ten years, darlin'," and a week later he made an appointment to officially end our child bearing years.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Chapter 39 Preview One Big Happy Family

It seemed like forever before Irina nodded to me and I stepped out from behind the planter and faced the Altar. Jasper turned to look at me and our eyes met as I linked arms with Sam. I felt every bit of love radiating from him and warmed under his adoration. Sam whispered, "Ready?" and we began the march. Every eye now on me, all I could see, Jasper.

Each step closer to Jasper, to our future, my smile grew. The look in his eyes as I made my way to him, sent shivers down my back. God, I couldn't wait to become Mrs. Jasper Whitlock.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Chapter 34

BPOV of the events leading to the church

His lips crashed down into mine and I kissed him back with everything I had. I poured all the passion I had for Jasper into that kiss with Jacob. When his tongue swept across my lips demanding entrance I gave it to him, I opened my mouth and greedily met his tongue with my own and wrapped my arms around his neck, rising through his hair, twisting into it and ground myself against him. His hand on my waist dropped to my ass and he squeezed tight. I moaned into him and pushed back at his chest until the back of his legs hit the bed and I pushed him back. He pulled me down on top of him as he fell back holding me to him. I straddled his hips and continued the battle with our tongues while I rubbed my hands across his broad chest.

I reminded myself that I have done this before, with people I didn't even know, it meant absolutely nothing to me except a way to survive, get him to lower his guard enough that I might have a chance if one presented itself. I kept up with the kissing and rubbing against him. His hands were all over my backside and I pulled my mouth off of his and looked down at his chest, my hands exploring his pecs.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

Jacob's Wedding Dress for Bella

Here is the dress Jacob selected for Bella, too bad marrying him is the furthest thing from a dream come true. Will Jasper save her in time??

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Only at Night Chapter 30 - A Place in Hell

"Bullshit, Whitlock. You might be able to fool them, but I see right through your shit. You aren't going out there without me." He stared me down for a full minute before I sighed and said, "Fine."

Peter shot me a look and I raised my eyebrows to him, he nodded and we all headed out. We drove past the reservation and around as far back as we could before parking the SUV off on a dirt road, obscured from what little traffic was out there. We had to hike in from the forest that surrounded the reservation.

We had been hunting together for years and were all very comfortable with the silence and knew how to manage through the thick vegetation without making any noise. James fit in well, he was really good at spotting things in the dark. Several times he alerted us to a herd of deer or some other animal that would have scampered loudly if startled. We heard a pack of wolves howling in the distance and I was glad to be armed no matter what predator we ran into, be it Jacob or the furry variety.

After a few hours of trudging through forest and undeveloped parts of the reservation we saw a dilapidated old shack and we all exchanged a look. We sat quietly for thirty minutes looking for any sign of movement, sound, but nothing. We slowly and silently surrounded the shack looking in through windows, long broken and poorly boarded over. It was dark and overrun with cobwebs and dust. Peter went in first, followed by Preston, I stood guard in the front and James at the rear. Wade took up position right outside the front door.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Chapter 29

"'Figure out where you are yet Bella?'

Gasp. The voice came from somewhere behind me. He had been watching me, sitting there silently watching me. How long had he been there? I knew I had been in and out of it, coming to and passing out again countless times, had he sat and watched all of it?


Still, he was lurking, watching, stalking. He sat where I couldn't see him and he observed. He had not moved, I never even heard him breathing. OH God, I was naked, he was here. He was watching me laying here, naked. The nausea rose yet again and I turned my head barely fast enough to vomit off the side of the bed once again.

It had to have been him, he removed my clothing. Did he... had he...? Oh Jasper please, please help me."

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Preview Chapter 27 Only At Night

Suddenly I was feeling a bit nauseous, flushed, a little lightheaded. I really should have eaten lunch before the ceremony. The champagne on an empty stomach coupled with all the excitement and having my family all together, was getting to me.

"I need to use the ladies room before we join the others."

"Yeah, ok, I'll meet you right back here in the hall way."

Maybe if I splashed some cool water on my face, I'd be ok. Each step I took into the opulent hotel ladies room, I felt my legs weakening and the room began to spin. Everything was getting fuzzy, out of focus. Reaching out for the sink I frantically grabbed at the porcelain to remain standing. Trying to focus on my features in the mirror, I realized, this wasn't the effects of champagne on an empty stomach. Oh shit, my clammy hands began to loosen on the cold hard sink as I watched my pale face lose its remaining color and knew I was in serious trouble, Then I saw him in the mirror behind me, just as I began to lose consciousness. I tried to cream, I tried to open my mouth and form the words, but I heard nothing as the blackness crept in and his dark features blurred until there was only darkness.


I barely registered the feeling of falling, being caught in strong arms that were all wrong, not the ones that normally held me, comforted me. Then nothing.